A Quick Start Guide to TrainingPeaks

A Quick Start Guide to TrainingPeaks

Damian Ruse
Head Coach & Founder
February 25, 2023

This guide will help you get acquainted with TrainingPeaks and its features so that you can connect to the SEMIPRO account and start training as soon as possible.

TrainingPeaks is the software we use to deliver all training and session feedback. If you are new to TrainingPeaks, it is best to get set up on your desktop.

1. Sign up or use your existing account to connect with our TrainingPeaks coach accounts using this link: 


Select log in if you have an existing TrainingPeaks Account or sign up if you are new user.

We are now connected. We are able to load workouts and see your rides. Check out this TrainingPeaks Athlete User Guide to help you get started or how we prescribe workouts within TrainingPeaks here

2. Transfer your data from other training software to TrainingPeaks

Export Garmin data here

Export Strava data here

3. Add events to the calendar in TrainingPeaks (if you have them)

In the calendar view hover the mouse over a date and click the + icon to add an Event

Select the Event tab

Add details for the event: name (add A, B or C to the title to assign importance to the event), date, type, and then save. 


A - Target event (Full taper)

B - Important event (Limited taper)

C - Not important (No taper)

Repeat for all events

Once you've connected to our TrainingPeaks, be sure to connect your bike computer.