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Science-Driven, World Tour-Proven Training for Cyclists Aiming for Peak Performance

With over 12 years of experience, we’ve helped busy professionals and elite athletes unlock new levels of performance through both personalised coaching and comprehensive training plans.

Empowering, Flexible Solutions for Every Cyclist

Whether you're looking for structured training plans or individualised coaching, we offer solutions that fit your schedule and goals. From race-winning strategies to consistent improvement, we’ve got you covered.

Cycling Coach Damian Ruse
Cycling Science

Cycling Science At Its Best

Our training plans and coaching are built on the latest cycling science, expert insights, and proven methods to get you fitter, faster, and stronger.

Real results from real athletes

Since I've been working with Damian. Basically, I've seen improvements everywhere.

"I look back at my early cycling career, I didn't know very much, Damian didn't just help me out with training he also helped me out with all the things that go into making a good performance. And I didn't know any of that.

So it wasn't just a off the shelf planning that you pay 100 bucks for and get very limited support with there was like a whole sort of learning experience, which was pretty important."

Jay Vine

Professional Cyclist
I got my best 20 minute power ever!

"I have been extremely impressed with Damian’s scientific approach to coaching as well as the thoroughness and thoughtfulness that he demonstrates in all aspects of my training including planning, progression and analysis

Damian considers all aspects of performance with an unwavering commitment to ensuring that I can achieve my full potential.

When you, as an athlete, are putting in your ‘all’ to being your best, it is pretty important and affirming to have a coach in your corner that also gives their all." 

Justine Barrow

Winner Spirit of Tasmania Cycle Tour - GC
My FTP w/kg went from 5.7 w/kg to 6.2 w/kg

"Damian Ruse from Semi-Pro Cycling worked wonders on my form. I managed to get to a very competitive level before he was in the picture, but he helped me to break through the next ceiling.

My FTP w/kg went from 5.7 w/kg at the start of the year to 6.2 w/kg when I peaked. This is a massive difference, and it made all the difference in helping me to make the jump to where I needed to be to be selected for the finals."

Sam Hill

Zwift Academy Finalist 2021